Grief Relief

My Big Announcement

I’d like to share my global vision with you which for the past 7 years has been to teach, coach and support children (and their care givers) orphaned through aids, to release the grief and trauma of losing their parents.

Some of them have seen their parents die a slow lingering death over a period of a few years. Imagine how devastating that must be.

The challenge for me was that I didn’t even know where to begin. However I had to start by releasing or letting go of my conditioning, blocks, limiting beliefs and programs that were shouting at me that it was not possible, I had no resources, no marketing expertise or know how…

Releasing these conscious and unconscious blocks would allow me to see the answers and the opportunities that were hidden beneath the blocks. So that’s what I’ve been doing.

Well my big opportunity came just a week ago. I was given the opportunity to register in the Next Great Visionary Business Contest and FREE training program that Maggie Ostara co-created with Spirit.

There are 3 rounds of tasks to fulfill and trainings to experience and utilize. At the end of each round, we will be informed as to who will officially advance to the next round.

Whether I advance or not, I will have access to and be encouraged to take action on the training from all three rounds.

The most important prize for me is the transformation I will experience as a business owner-and the transformation in my business results that will result from me taking the actions required.

Here’s where you come in. I’m asking for your support, to walk along side me and say yes by:

  1. casting your vote for me;
  2. make a comment;
  3. Click on post to FB after you comment.

Each one of these steps helps in the voting contest.

Read my short manifesto and profile.

As a way of saying thank you I’m gifting you with a free 6 mini video series with “4 powerful phrases that could Transform Your Life” and the pdf’s

I can’t express how excited I am for this opportunity that has been sent my way and for being blessed to share this with you.

Thank you so much!

Many Blessings and Love,


2 replies on “My Big Announcement”

My Sister on Earth Issues

Your cause is very worth while. As I write you here I feel the chill of my guides as they guide me to write the following.

I have just returned from 14 months in Nigeria, Africa. Orphanages in this country are swamped with the mounting numbers of Nigerian Children, and other African Orphans that are recieved as Refugees into Nigeria, who lost parents from the Aids epidemic in Africa, and who are suffering from the Symptoms of AIDS themselves at the moment.

I am being asked to speak to you about approaching UNESCO for further funding to expand your idea into the African Continent. 1. To apply for funding to Visit Africa to promote your Program of Greif Councelling to the differing Government Agencies to assist with the onslaught of AIDS affected Victims on this continen. 2. Funding also to set up training Centres within each Major Nation group within the African Continent.

Your role is crucial to the mental, physical, and healing aspects of anybody suffering from AIDS, or the survivors of AIDS affected parents who have died, and left their children powerless and grief stricken through out the world.

The COSMOS hears your cause and applauds what you have planned.

You Have my VOTE:)

Thank you so much Linda for your vote and for sharing about the current situation with the children in Nigeria. Hearing from you has only strengthened my resolve to help these precious children.

I would love to get in touch with you about this.

Love and Blessings,

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