Do You Live In A Positive State Of Expectation?
The dictionary says that a positive state of expectation is the act or the state of expecting, of looking forward, or a degree of probability that something will occur.
Why is it important to live in a positive state of expectation?
It’s because living in a positive state of expectation has the capacity to condition your environment for success.
This is also true if you live in a negative state of expectation, because it can condition the field for failure. When we fail to recognize and utilize this important principle we are preventing the cogs in the wheel of success from moving forward in life.
So here are a few questions you may need to ask yourself:
- Do I believe that the Universe is a friendly place to live in?
- Do I trust that the Universe has my back covered, that I am never alone, and I’m always being guided in my highest good?
- Do I come from the place that the Universe is working behind the scene in my favor to provide the right opportunities for me at just the right time?
If so, then having this positive attitude that you will succeed becomes easy.
One of the things why people fail to manifest what they want is that they don’t have this general expectation of receiving all the goodness that life has to offer them, or believe that life is good and that life can be easy.
I’m not talking about “how” it’s going to happen, or being attached to a particular outcome. It’s about trusting that everything that is happening is in perfect order.
Would a farmer plant a crop in the spring if he didn’t expect a harvest?
So expectation coupled with focusing your attention on what you want, can change your world. This means having a daily anticipation that opportunity is showing up for you, that you are worthy and capable of success and that you have the power to create what you want out of life.
So take an inventory of how you view life.
- Are you showing up for yourself?
- Do you believe you have all the support that you need, and that miracles are happening for you?
Here’s a hint. What is the default system that you revert to when things don’t turn out the way you expected them to go?
I would love to answer any questions you may have. Please leave your questions or share your comments in the comment section below.
Love and Blessings,
p.s. A great way on how to reduce anxiety is to live in a positive state of expectation that life’s good.