Pay attention to the thoughts you think, because thoughts are powerful.
Since this is the first step in any creative process and since your thoughts are powerful, the outcome of those thoughts will determine your final result. This means that what you think will in the end produce the result you thought about, whether it’s good or bad.
Think of Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telephone or the Wright Brothers who developed the first airplane. It all started with a thought, and as they continually gave attention to those thoughts, they received ideas which they acted upon even though they encountered many challenges.
Mike Dooley who is the author of the book Infinite Possibilities coined the famous phrase ” Thoughts Become Things.” So if thoughts are that powerful that they create things, imagine what they can do if we use them in the right way. We must understand that everything is created from the non physical quantum level before it shows up in the physical realm. Energy follows thought.
The other reason thoughts are powerful is because thoughts elicit emotions, and the emotions you feel will depend on the thoughts you are thinking. The way you feel affects your behaviour.
So if you think in terms of poverty or lack and if you give substance to those thoughts with fear based feelings like I don’t have, it’s not possible, not enough, can’t afford, that’s what you will reap.
If you think prosperity, and if you give substance to those thoughts with love based feelings feelings like gratitude, life can be easy, I support myself with ease then you will experience a different physical life experience . Wherever you are right now, it’s the result of the way you thought previously. What you think you will produce. What you conceive you will manifest.
Thinking involves a mixture of words, sentences, mental images and sensations. Every day you are thinking 60,000 thoughts per day. What are they? How have those thoughts created what you have? What percentage of them are intentional, purposely chosen thoughts and what percentage are on auto pilot? Does your thinking serve you?
Your Thoughts Are Powerful!
Are your thoughts occupied with worries, fears, anger or unhappiness most of the time, or with the inner chatter about negative situations and actions? The inner chatter of your thoughts and words that are repeated over and over again in your mind sink into the subconscious mind and affect your behaviour, actions and reactions.
The subconscious mind regards the internal conversation that’s going on within you as expressing and describing a real situation, and strives to bring about your self fulfilling prophecy, and makes it a reality in your life.
This means that if you often tell yourself that it is difficult or impossible to acquire money, that there’s no way you can have a relationship or have good health, the subconscious mind will accept your words and put obstacles in your way.
If you keep telling yourself that you are open to receive all of the goodness life has to offer, that money flows into your life with ease, it will find ways to bring you opportunities to do that, and push you towards taking advantage of them.
This is often done unconsciously, as few people pay attention to their thoughts and the words they use while thinking. Remember that the thoughts that you express through your words shape your life.
Here’s the solution to start the process: change your thoughts change your life. Positive thoughts generate positive feelings and attract positive life experiences.
What one thing will you do from now on so that your thoughts and words will help you build the life that you want? I invite you to share your thoughts.
Love and Blessings,